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Tom Turkey Squad Heading to Mt. Vernon

Tom Turkey Squad Heading to Mt. Vernon

For Immediate Release:

The Department of Elfland Security will be sending the “Tom Turkey” security squad to Mt. Vernon tomorrow afternoon. Please be prepared to stay until after Thanksgiving at which time you will escort Tom Turkey, code name “Big Bird” back to the North Pole for debriefing and his wrap-up meeting with TAOLF.

We do not expect any issues this year since the Prep and Landing team has already done their sweep of the location.

Weather reports indicate blistering highs of up to 50 degrees most days with rain. Sorry, no chances of snow in the forecast. Please pack and dress appropriately and be sure to drink plenty of water.

All security communications will be done through SANTA-4 Satellite this year, please be sure to check your communicators before leaving.

Mrs. Claus will have an departing luncheon starting promptly at 12:15 p.m. with departure scheduled for 12:45 p.m.

If you wish, you can bring your luggage to the transportation depot tonight to save some extra check-in time tomorrow.

- E.H.


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Tom Turkey's Biography Tom Turkey's Biography
The Biography of Tom Turkey
All about Thanksgiving All About Thanksgiving Board
Tom Turkey put together a Pinterest Board with everything about Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving menu First Thanksgiving Menu
Information about what was served at the first Thanksgiving
Presidential Turkey Pardons Presidential Pardons
Turkeys Pardon by Presidents

Tom Turkey Squad Heading to Mt. Vernon

Coloring Pages

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Educational Fun

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Pinterest Board

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