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Tom Turkey's FAQ Page

Tom Turkey has been working with DES to post over 75 F.A.Q. questions relating to Thanksgiving and turkeys.

- First Thanksgiving
- Cooking Turkeys and Food
- Parades
- About Turkeys
- General Thanksgiving

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First Thanksgiving

General information about Thankgsgiving and some well known (or not so well known) facts.

  1. Is it true that the real Plymouth rock is cracked?
  2. What is the definition of a pilgrim?
  3. Back in the early Thanksgiving celebrations, they also like sporting events and took bets. It wasn't football back then, what sport was it?
  4. What were some of the approved table manners at the first Thanksgiving dinner?
  5. Not everyone on the Mayflower was traveling to the New World to settle. What was the purpose of the others?
  6. Is it true that there were more Native American Indians at the first Thanksgiving than pilgrims?
  7. The Mayflower was not built to be a transportation ship for people. What was the original purpose of the Mayflower?
  8. What food that we normally do not eat today at Thanksgiving, was an original food that the pilgrims at back in the 1600's?
  9. Was the Mayflower docked at Plymouth Rock?
  10. Of the original 102 pilgrims that came, approximately how many survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving?
  11. Is it true that the pilgrims dressed really colorfully?
  12. How many pilgrims were on the Mayflower?
  13. Did the pilgrims have utensils to eat with during the first Thanksgiving dinner?
  14. How many pilgrim women survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving in 1621?
  15. Did the pilgrims take beer with them on their voyage?
  16. What was the original name for the pilgrims?
  17. What does the term "Cornucopia" mean?
  18. The Native American Indians who were invited to the Thanksgiving feast were from the Wampanoag tribe. Who was their chief?
  19. Why is Thanksgiving always observed on a Thursday?
  20. What food do we eat today that they did not eat in 1621?
  21. By 1690, what became the priority at Thanksgiving?
  22. Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?
  23. What was the name of the captain of the Mayflower?
  24. When was the first Thanksgiving?
  25. Is the United States the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving?
  26. Which President was the first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be held the 4th Thursday in November?
  27. What was the name of the ship the pilgrims came over on?
  28. What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed?


  1. Is it true that the real Plymouth rock is cracked?

    Yes. It was cracked during the revolutionary war when they pried it from its original location to put it on a pedestal.


  2. What is the definition of a pilgrim?

    They are considered to be travelers, wayfarers, and religious journeyman.


  3. Back in the early Thanksgiving celebrations, they also like sporting events and took bets. It wasn't football back then, what sport was it?

    They had shooting competitions.


  4. What were some of the approved table manners at the first Thanksgiving dinner?

    To eat with your hands, to spit on the floor, and to throw you bones into the hearth when done.


  5. Not everyone on the Mayflower was traveling to the New World to settle. What was the purpose of the others?

    To get furs and lumber to send back to England.


  6. Is it true that there were more Native American Indians at the first Thanksgiving than pilgrims?

    This is true. Remember that almost 50% of the pilgrims did not survive.


  7. The Mayflower was not built to be a transportation ship for people. What was the original purpose of the Mayflower?

    It was built to be a merchant ship to carry wine.


  8. What food that we normally do not eat today at Thanksgiving, was an original food that the pilgrims at back in the 1600's?



  9. Was the Mayflower docked at Plymouth Rock?

    No. The water was too shallow, but Plymouth Rock is were the first settlers stepped on land.


  10. Of the original 102 pilgrims that came, approximately how many survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving?

    Approximately 50%.


  11. Is it true that the pilgrims dressed really colorfully?

    Yes. The Puritans were the ones that dressed in black and wore buckles. The settled later in Boston. They were not the original pilgrims.


  12. How many pilgrims were on the Mayflower?

    It is believed to be 102.


  13. Did the pilgrims have utensils to eat with during the first Thanksgiving dinner?

    The did not have forks, they were not invented yet.


  14. How many pilgrim women survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving in 1621?

    There were only 5 women who survived, and it is believed that all 5 women did the cooking for the feast.


  15. Did the pilgrims take beer with them on their voyage?

    Yes. In fact the barrels were made by the cooper named John Alden.


  16. What was the original name for the pilgrims?

    The were called the Puritans, because they wanted to purify the Christian religion from Catholic influences.


  17. What does the term "Cornucopia" mean?

    Horn of Plenty.


  18. The Native American Indians who were invited to the Thanksgiving feast were from the Wampanoag tribe. Who was their chief?



  19. Why is Thanksgiving always observed on a Thursday?

    Because, the pilgrims went to church twice a week. Sundays and mid-prayer on Thursdays. They wanted to use the mid-prayer day as a day of thanksgiving.


  20. What food do we eat today that they did not eat in 1621?

    Pumpkin Pie. Ovens were not invented yet.


  21. By 1690, what became the priority at Thanksgiving?

    Food, and the ministers were getting upset because Thanksgiving was losing it's religious origin of giving thanks.


  22. Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?

    No, it is more associated with a harvest celebration.


  23. What was the name of the captain of the Mayflower?

    Christopher Jones


  24. When was the first Thanksgiving?

    It was in 1621 and it lasted for 3 days.


  25. Is the United States the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving?

    No. Canada also celebrates Thanksgiving the second Monday in October.


  26. Which President was the first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be held the 4th Thursday in November?

    Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill in Congress making it always the fourth Thursday in November; however, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November.


  27. What was the name of the ship the pilgrims came over on?

    The Mayflower.


  28. What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed?

    Plymouth Rock.



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Questions asked to Tom Turkey from children around the world.
Tom Turkey's Biography Tom Turkey's Biography
The Biography of Tom Turkey
All about Thanksgiving All About Thanksgiving Board
Tom Turkey put together a Pinterest Board with everything about Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving menu First Thanksgiving Menu
Information about what was served at the first Thanksgiving
Presidential Turkey Pardons Presidential Pardons
Turkeys Pardon by Presidents

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Coloring Pages

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