Welcome to the web page of Tom Turkey

All About Thanksgiving

Tom Turkey has worked with the Department of Elfland Security to compile a special Pinterest Board with information all about Thanksgiving. Please check this page often as more information will be added to the board as it is found. If you would like to see all of these pins, click on the title below to see the entire board.


Connect to Tom Turkey's Website Tom Turkey's Website
Connect to Tom Turkey's Website
Tom Turkey FAQ Page Tom Turkey's FAQ Page
Questions asked to Tom Turkey from children around the world.
Tom Turkey's Biography Tom Turkey's Biography
The Biography of Tom Turkey
All about Thanksgiving All About Thanksgiving Board
Tom Turkey put together a Pinterest Board with everything about Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving menu First Thanksgiving Menu
Information about what was served at the first Thanksgiving
Presidential Turkey Pardons Presidential Pardons
Turkeys Pardon by Presidents

All About Thanksgiving

Coloring Pages

Thanksgiving Placemat Thanksgiving Placemat
Check out my placemat...it is sure to keep you busy while the adults prepare for the big feast!
Terrified Turkey Terrified Turkey Coloring Page
Tom the Turkey suggest since everyone decorates for Christmas early and songs play in stores, why not skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas and eat the pig.

Educational Fun

Counting with Tom Turkey Counting With Tom Turkey
Count these holiday items with Tom Turkey.
Adding with Tom Turkey Adding with Tom Turkey
Practice your addition with Tom Turkey!


Tom Turkey Word Search Tom Turkey's Word Search
Can you find all the hidden words in my word search?
Rudolph Release New Trivia Game - Version 1

Pinterest Board

WELF-NPC North Pole City Radio On-Air