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Tom Turkey's FAQ Page

Tom Turkey has been working with DES to post over 75 F.A.Q. questions relating to Thanksgiving and turkeys.

- First Thanksgiving
- Cooking Turkeys and Food
- Parades
- About Turkeys
- General Thanksgiving

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About Turkeys

General Information about Turkeys

  1. Is it true that turkey meant is good for you because it is lower in cholesterol that a lot of other meat?
  2. What is the dangling skin under the turkey's neck called?
  3. How many feathers can a full-grown turkey have?
  4. What part of the turkey turns bright red when he's upset or during courtship?
  5. What does it mean when a turkey puffs up their feathers and strut around and make "gobble" sounds?
  6. Which weighs more; a domestic turkey or a wild turkey?
  7. It seems like we see turkeys everywhere, but what turkey breed is endangered and cannot be eaten?
  8. What color are turkey eggs?
  9. What are baby turkeys called?
  10. Which state produces the most turkeys?
  11. Is it true that all turkeys gobble?
  12. How fast can a turkey fly?
  13. How fast can a turkey run?
  14. Is it true that turkey's can drown if they look up in the rain?
  15. What was the first meal eaten on the moon?
  16. Why is a male turkey referred to as "Tom Turkey?"
  17. Where does the word Turkey come from?
  18. Which country considers turkeys to be a sacrificial bird?


  1. Is it true that turkey meant is good for you because it is lower in cholesterol that a lot of other meat?

    Yes, but the dark meat has more than the white meat.


  2. What is the dangling skin under the turkey's neck called?

    This is called the Wattle.


  3. How many feathers can a full-grown turkey have?

    A full-grown turkey can have about 3,500 feathers.


  4. What part of the turkey turns bright red when he's upset or during courtship?

    This is the piece of skin that hangs over beak and is called the snood.


  5. What does it mean when a turkey puffs up their feathers and strut around and make "gobble" sounds?

    This is called the "turkey trot". It is a mating dance to attract the attention of the hens.


  6. Which weighs more; a domestic turkey or a wild turkey?

    Domestic turkeys weigh more since they are bread to be bigger and have more meat.


  7. It seems like we see turkeys everywhere, but what turkey breed is endangered and cannot be eaten?

    That would be Blue Slate Turkeys.


  8. What color are turkey eggs?

    They are a tan color with speckles.


  9. What are baby turkeys called?

    They are called poults.


  10. Which state produces the most turkeys?

    North Carolina


  11. Is it true that all turkeys gobble?

    No. Only male turkeys gobble, female turkeys sort of click.


  12. How fast can a turkey fly?

    55 mph, in short distances only


  13. How fast can a turkey run?

    25 mph


  14. Is it true that turkey's can drown if they look up in the rain?



  15. What was the first meal eaten on the moon?

    The first meal eaten on the moon by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren was a roasted turkey dinner with all the trimmings.


  16. Why is a male turkey referred to as "Tom Turkey?"

    Legend has it that Ben Franklin was mad at Thomas Jefferson for not naming the turkey as the nations bird, so he started referring male turkeys as "Tom" turkeys; however, there is no official documentation to back this.


  17. Where does the word Turkey come from?

    The word turkey is said to come from the Hebrew word "Tukki" which means big bird or pheasant bird.


  18. Which country considers turkeys to be a sacrificial bird?




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Questions asked to Tom Turkey from children around the world.
Tom Turkey's Biography Tom Turkey's Biography
The Biography of Tom Turkey
All about Thanksgiving All About Thanksgiving Board
Tom Turkey put together a Pinterest Board with everything about Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving menu First Thanksgiving Menu
Information about what was served at the first Thanksgiving
Presidential Turkey Pardons Presidential Pardons
Turkeys Pardon by Presidents

Tom Turkey's FAQ Page

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