North Pole City Sports

The Pirates Win Over the Falcons

The Pirates Win Over the Falcons

Today was the day of the completion of the final Tinsel Football game of the season - just in time for the start of the Snowball Games Season. Caring on the game from third quarter the Livingstone Pirates and the Hinklemyer Falcons took the field just after 1 p.m. with the tied score of 5-5.

As you recall, the game was called and postposed right before the holidays due to the work schedule at the warehouse in Santa's Village.

The game went for over 2 hours until a sudden death was declared. With the final play, Theodore "Sugar" Livingstone the quarterback for the Pirates, dropped back and launched a 43 yard pass to wide receiver Richard "Tinsel" Livingstone who caught the pass and ran the ball in for a touchdown ending the game and making the Livingstone Pirates the 2021 Tinsel Football Champions with the score of 6-5.


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The Pirates Win Over the Falcons

Game Snacks

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Snowball Games

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Tinsel Football

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Get your 2021 Tinsel Football Champs Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
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Get your 2021 Tinsel Football 2nd Place Team Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
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