North Pole City Sports

About the League and North Pole City Sports

About the League and North Pole City Sports

The first Snowball Games took place in 1724 when a few groups of elves from different clan based pubs got together to have a friendly competition to help pay off their hot cocoa tabs. The following year, an Official League was established to spread out the competition to anyone who wishes to participate within North Pole City.

The league has now expanded to govern three seasonal competition events. All of which are open to anyone who wishes to sign-up and participate. These seasons include:

  • Snowball Games

    This season runs from the first week in February for seven weeks. This season is sponsored by the Elf Clan family cocoa pubs. Each cocoa pub will have a team consisting of at least 10 members with 2 alternates. Weekly, the teams will compete in a series of games with the season ending with semifinals and final games tournament. The winning cocoa pub will be allowed to house the champion trophy until the next season's games.

  • Reindeer Games

    Similar to the snowball games, the reindeer games are sponsored by the Divisions and Offices within the Department of Elfland Security and Santa's village. Each division or department will have at least 10 members with 2 alternates and will again compete in a series of games. These games will take place during the July break and campout. The winning division or office will be permitted to house the champion trophy until the next season's games.

  • Tinsel Football

    Tinsel Football is more of a semi-pro or professional football or soccer based sport. These games are still open for anyone to try out, but requires more athletic skills in order to be invited to join the team. Most of the elves in the North Pole City are spectators and fans. This season will run from the end of summer until the end of the year.

About the League

The North Pole City Sports League consists of 12 appointed representatives, one from each elf clan). Each member serves a term of 200 years and will pick their successor when they leave the board. The board will meet at least 3 times per year (before each new season) to review rules and guidelines before the beginning of the seasons. Special league council meetings can be called at any time to resolve disputes and review complaints. Their decision is final. In the event of a tiebreaking vote, Santa will be asked to sit in with the league council.

Trainings for new league officials and refresher courses for veteran league officials will take place each year prior to the season and will cover basic rules of each game and any changes in rules from previous years.


North Pole City Sports North Pole City Sports Website
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NPCS League Information About the League
Information about the North Pole City Sports League.

About the League and North Pole City Sports

Game Snacks

Popcorn Box Craft Mini Pop-Corn Box Craft
Print out this worksheet and create your very own Popcorn Box.
Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe
Print off this recipe and create a great treat for the big game.

Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games Booklet Reindeer Games Rules Booklet
Game list and rules for all of the reindeer games.

Snowball Games

Guidelines and Rules Booklet Guidelines and Rules Booklet
The Official Guidelines and Rules booklet for the North Pole City Sports Snowball Games.
Snowball game Score Card Nightly Game Score Card - Blanks
Use this scorecard to officially score the rounds of a snowball game for documented scoring.
Snowball Games Merch Snowball Games Merch
Snowball Games Merchandise available in the merchandise store.

Tinsel Football

Tinsel Football Merch Tinsel Football Merch
Get your Tinsel Football merch for the big game.
Livingstone Pirates Merchandise Livingstone Pirates Merchandise
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football Champs Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football 2nd Place Team Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
Santa's Workshop

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