North Pole City Sports

The Peppermint Shack - Champions

The Peppermint Shack - Champions

In an exciting match between the The Peppermint Shack and Love at First Snowflake, The Peppermint Shack pulled ahead and became the 2022 Snowball Games Champion.

The North Pole City Center Auditorium was packed with many elves being turned away to the annex building to watch the matches via the inter-city newsfeed as the two teams took the stage for this final match. Extra seating was even brought in to accommodated the larger than normal amount of spectators as the workshop was closed down for the day due the investigation into the "glue" issue that is still underway.

Frosty the Snowman acted as the master of ceremonies during the games offering some suggestions to the contestants during the game play. During intermission, some elves were brought up on stage to take part in an impromptu snowball fight with the snowballs made in the "make Snowballs" event. The snowball fight was fun for everyone to watch and/or partake in.

The final score for the event was The Peppermint Shack with 84 points and Love at First Snowflake with 66 points.

Elders from the Livingstone clan were present during the final award presentation to help accept the trophy for the Peppermint Shack pub which will now be on display for everyone to go and see at the pub anytime this year.

Since the Snowball Games are available to any elf in North Pole City, sign-ups for next year were taking place during the event as well. Each one of the pubs had a table setup in the lobby and they were seeing many come and get put on their list for contestants for next year's games.

The following is a listing of the team members from the winning Peppermint Shack team:

Alan "Sugar" Livingstone
Jasper "Cookie" Livingstone
Oliver "Happy" Livingstone
Gerald "Marshmallow" Livingstone
Michael "Snowball" Livingstone
Shawn "Sparkle" Livingstone
Holly "Sugar" Livingstone
Margaret "Gingerbread" Livingstone
Carol "Sugar" Livingstone
Alexis "Cookie" Livingstone
Marianne "Cupcake" Livingstone
Mable "Cinnamon" Livingstone

Champion Merchandise Available

If you would like to show your support for the champion team, click on the image below to purchase your very own "Peppermint Shack" merchandise.

The Peppermint Shack Merchandise


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The Peppermint Shack - Champions

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