North Pole City Sports

Snowball Games 2022 - Semi Finals Set

Snowball Games 2022 - Semi Finals Set

The final regular game play results have been reported and we have our 2022 top four teams that will be moving forward with our semi-final games next week.

In first place: Love at First Snowflake with 169 points.

In second place: Candy Cane Lounge with 164 points.

In third place: Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub with 156 points.

In fourth place: The Peppermint Shack with 150 points.

Moving forward, the top two teams (group A) and the bottom two teams (group B) will compete in every event next week. There will be 5 events on Monday, 5 events on Wednesday, and 5 events on Friday.

These games will be held at the following locations:

The Peppermint Shack - Group A
Love at First Snowflake - Group B

Cocoa House - Group A
Elfin Wonderland - Group B

Jolly Elf - Group A
Noel's Cozy Corner - Group B

We will be posting semi-final score updates on Tuesday and Thursday with the final results of the semi-finals being posted on Saturday of next week. The top two winners will move onto the finals the following week.

We would like to congratulate the members of Love at First Snowflake who have been officially declared the Champions of the regular game season and wish you luck in the semi-finals.



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Snowball Games 2022 - Semi Finals Set

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