North Pole City Sports

Snowball Games 2022 - Finals Set

Snowball Games 2022 - Finals Set

After a grueling round of semi-final games, we now have the top two teams moving ahead to the final round of the 2022 Snowball Games.

The teams are Love at First Snowflake, coming in with 79 points and The Peppermint Shack in a very close second with 78 points. The competition this week was a "real nail biter" getting down to each event being a "game changer." After each member's participation you could hear cheers from the different taverns throughout town. The excitement of the games were everywhere.

Santa, Cupid, Mrs. Claus, and Edward Hinklemyer even stopped both pubs to watch the final events on Friday night and show support for all of the teams. Santa even tried his hand during one of the "Snowball Shuffle" events, but could not compete with the skills of the regular team members.

Both Teams will go head to head next Saturday center stage at the Town Hall City Center Auditorium with both teams competing in all 15 events. The competition will begin promptly at 10 a.m. and will be broadcasted throughout North Pole City for those who cannot make the event live due to their work schedule.

Anyone wishing to gear up for the finals, you can purchase your Snowball Games merch from the merchandise store. CLICK HERE for more information.

If you have not been following along with the games, the links below will help you get up to speed before the finals. You can also click on the links for the 2022 Snowball Games Scores to see all of the scores from the regular season and the individual events from the semi-finals.



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Snowball Games 2022 - Finals Set

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