North Pole City Sports

Snowball Game Schedule

The following schedule will be used for the Snowball Games that will take place in each Elf Clan's Cocoa Pub or Tavern. The first team listed (on the left) will be the home team on Tuesdays and the second team listed (on right) will be the home team on Thursdays.

We have also provided what three games will be played each week. The team captains are responsible for making the appropriate arrangements at their pubs and making sure all supplies are available for the games. If you need additional supplies and/or score cards, we will be posting that information and a copy of the Snowball Games booklet right here on the website.

Week 1

Games: Snow Shoveling Race, Snowball Toss, Snowball Bounce

The Sparkling Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sparkling Snowflake
824 Pine Tree Ave
Elf Clan: Cumberbatch


Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub
423 Lichen Lane
Elf Clan: Hinklemyer
The Red Bow - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Red Bow
227 Gum Drop Way
Elf Clan: Leighton


The Peppermint Shack - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Peppermint Shack
397 Snowball Run Road
Elf Clan: Livingstone
The Sugar Bowl - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sugar Bowl
506 Holly Drive
Elf Clan: Winterboune


Noel's Cozy Corner - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Noel's Cozy Corner
555 Noel Drive
Elf Clan: Yeardley
Elfin Wonderland - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Elfin Wonderland
378 Tinsel Avenue
Elf Clan: Birkenhead


Candy Cane Lounge - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Candy Cane Lounge
198 Candy Cane Lane
Elf Clan: Scarbough
Yule Love It - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Yule Love It
117 Silver Bell Circle
Elf Clan: Darlington


Love at First Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Love at First Snowflake
651 Snowflake Street
Elf Clan: Twinklestein
Jolly Elf - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Jolly Elf
353 Evergreen Lane
Elf Clan: Myerscough


The Cocoa House - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Cocoa House
447 Mistletoe Road
Elf Clan: Appleton

Week 2

Games: Snowball Knockout, Snowflake Race, Break the Snow Cap

The Red Bow - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Red Bow
227 Gum Drop Way
Elf Clan: Leighton


Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub
423 Lichen Lane
Elf Clan: Hinklemyer
The Sparkling Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sparkling Snowflake
824 Pine Tree Ave
Elf Clan: Cumberbatch


The Peppermint Shack - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Peppermint Shack
397 Snowball Run Road
Elf Clan: Livingstone
Candy Cane Lounge - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Candy Cane Lounge
198 Candy Cane Lane
Elf Clan: Scarbough


Noel's Cozy Corner - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Noel's Cozy Corner
555 Noel Drive
Elf Clan: Yeardley
The Sugar Bowl - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sugar Bowl
506 Holly Drive
Elf Clan: Winterboune


Elfin Wonderland - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Elfin Wonderland
378 Tinsel Avenue
Elf Clan: Birkenhead
Jolly Elf - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Jolly Elf
353 Evergreen Lane
Elf Clan: Myerscough


Love at First Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Love at First Snowflake
651 Snowflake Street
Elf Clan: Twinklestein
Yule Love It - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Yule Love It
117 Silver Bell Circle
Elf Clan: Darlington


The Cocoa House - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Cocoa House
447 Mistletoe Road
Elf Clan: Appleton

Week 3

Games: Snowball Shuffleboard, Snowball Stacking, Snowman Bucket Toss

Noel's Cozy Corner - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Noel's Cozy Corner
555 Noel Drive
Elf Clan: Yeardley


Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub
423 Lichen Lane
Elf Clan: Hinklemyer
Candy Cane Lounge - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Candy Cane Lounge
198 Candy Cane Lane
Elf Clan: Scarbough


The Peppermint Shack - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Peppermint Shack
397 Snowball Run Road
Elf Clan: Livingstone
Yule Love It - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Yule Love It
117 Silver Bell Circle
Elf Clan: Darlington


The Red Bow - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Red Bow
227 Gum Drop Way
Elf Clan: Leighton
Jolly Elf - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Jolly Elf
353 Evergreen Lane
Elf Clan: Myerscough


The Sparkling Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sparkling Snowflake
824 Pine Tree Ave
Elf Clan: Cumberbatch
The Cocoa House - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Cocoa House
447 Mistletoe Road
Elf Clan: Appleton


Elfin Wonderland - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Elfin Wonderland
378 Tinsel Avenue
Elf Clan: Birkenhead
The Sugar Bowl - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sugar Bowl
506 Holly Drive
Elf Clan: Winterboune


Love at First Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Love at First Snowflake
651 Snowflake Street
Elf Clan: Twinklestein

Week 4

Games: Snowball Dot Counts, Snowball Melt, Mini Snowmen

Yule Love It - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Yule Love It
117 Silver Bell Circle
Elf Clan: Darlington


Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub
423 Lichen Lane
Elf Clan: Hinklemyer
The Sugar Bowl - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sugar Bowl
506 Holly Drive
Elf Clan: Winterboune


The Peppermint Shack - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Peppermint Shack
397 Snowball Run Road
Elf Clan: Livingstone
Love at First Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Love at First Snowflake
651 Snowflake Street
Elf Clan: Twinklestein


Noel's Cozy Corner - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Noel's Cozy Corner
555 Noel Drive
Elf Clan: Yeardley
Jolly Elf - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Jolly Elf
353 Evergreen Lane
Elf Clan: Myerscough


The Red Bow - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Red Bow
227 Gum Drop Way
Elf Clan: Leighton
The Cocoa House - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Cocoa House
447 Mistletoe Road
Elf Clan: Appleton


Candy Cane Lounge - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Candy Cane Lounge
198 Candy Cane Lane
Elf Clan: Scarbough
Elfin Wonderland - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Elfin Wonderland
378 Tinsel Avenue
Elf Clan: Birkenhead


The Sparkling Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sparkling Snowflake
824 Pine Tree Ave
Elf Clan: Cumberbatch

Week 5

Games: Spooned Snowball Race, Snowball Shuffle, Make Snowballs

Elfin Wonderland - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Elfin Wonderland
378 Tinsel Avenue
Elf Clan: Birkenhead


Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Hinklemyer Cocoa Pub
423 Lichen Lane
Elf Clan: Hinklemyer
Noel's Cozy Corner - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Noel's Cozy Corner
555 Noel Drive
Elf Clan: Yeardley


The Peppermint Shack - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Peppermint Shack
397 Snowball Run Road
Elf Clan: Livingstone
The Cocoa House - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Cocoa House
447 Mistletoe Road
Elf Clan: Appleton


The Red Bow - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Red Bow
227 Gum Drop Way
Elf Clan: Leighton
Jolly Elf - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Jolly Elf
353 Evergreen Lane
Elf Clan: Myerscough


Candy Cane Lounge - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Candy Cane Lounge
198 Candy Cane Lane
Elf Clan: Scarbough
Love at First Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Love at First Snowflake
651 Snowflake Street
Elf Clan: Twinklestein


The Sparkling Snowflake - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sparkling Snowflake
824 Pine Tree Ave
Elf Clan: Cumberbatch
The Sugar Bowl - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security The Sugar Bowl
506 Holly Drive
Elf Clan: Winterboune


Yule Love It - The Assembly of Legendary Figures - The Department of Elfland Security Yule Love It
117 Silver Bell Circle
Elf Clan: Darlington


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Snowball Game Schedule

Game Snacks

Popcorn Box Craft Mini Pop-Corn Box Craft
Print out this worksheet and create your very own Popcorn Box.
Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe
Print off this recipe and create a great treat for the big game.

Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games Booklet Reindeer Games Rules Booklet
Game list and rules for all of the reindeer games.

Snowball Games

Guidelines and Rules Booklet Guidelines and Rules Booklet
The Official Guidelines and Rules booklet for the North Pole City Sports Snowball Games.
Snowball game Score Card Nightly Game Score Card - Blanks
Use this scorecard to officially score the rounds of a snowball game for documented scoring.
Snowball Games Merch Snowball Games Merch
Snowball Games Merchandise available in the merchandise store.

Tinsel Football

Tinsel Football Merch Tinsel Football Merch
Get your Tinsel Football merch for the big game.
Livingstone Pirates Merchandise Livingstone Pirates Merchandise
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football Champs Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football 2nd Place Team Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
Division of History and Research

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