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Rudolph's Frequently Asked Questions

A listing of questions asked to Rudolph from all of the children around the world.

- General Questions

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General Questions

General questions asked to Rudolph

  1. Why is your nose red?
  2. Do you always fly with Santa?
  3. Do you live with the rest of the reindeer?
  4. Do reindeer ever decorate their antlers?
  5. Is the TV show about you a true story?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. Can you really fly?
  8. How do you stay warm?
  9. How are the reindeer so quiet when they land on rooftops so that they don't wake up the children when they land?
  10. What is it like being around the elves?
  11. How did it feel going from a bullied reindeer to the lead reindeer.
  12. What does it feel like when your antlers fall off?
  13. What is lichen?
  14. What do you do after pulling the sleigh on Christmas Eve?
  15. How did you handle being bullied by the other reindeer?
  16. How far can you hear?
  17. What is your favorite reindeer game?
  18. Do you like candy?
  19. Is it true that Donner and Blitzen's names were changed?
  20. What is your favorite place to visit?
  21. Do you prefer flying at night or in the day?
  22. Do you like your theme song?
  23. Which reindeer do you get along with the best?
  24. Are you able to help build any of the toys?
  25. How well do you get along with Mrs. Claus?
  26. What is your favorite holiday besides Christmas?


  1. Why is your nose red?

    Most people ask me this question. At first, the veterinarians thought it may have been sunburn or some kind of parasite. To be honest, I don't think they really know for sure, I was just born this way and there are no other known reindeers to have a red shiny nose.


  2. Do you always fly with Santa?

    No. I fly with the team whenever the weather is bad. I help light the way through the night, and the red light on my nose is not seen up in the sky.


  3. Do you live with the rest of the reindeer?

    No. I have a special stable where I live with my family who are not flyers.


  4. Do reindeer ever decorate their antlers?

    Yes we do! Especially during parades and special occasions. The elves love to decorate our antlers.


  5. Is the TV show about you a true story?

    Yes. Pretty close to the truth. They consulted with me when they wrote the show. I love watching it every year.


  6. What is your favorite food?

    It changes. Some times I cannot get enough oats and sometimes I am hooked on carrots. It depends on how cold it is out. In the wild, my family and I eat a lot of lichen.


  7. Can you really fly?

    Yes. The elves put a secret ingredient in our feed that help us fly.


  8. How do you stay warm?

    We reindeer have two coat layers. One of the layers is made up of hallow hairs that trap air and help hold in body heat - so it is an extra layer of insulation. It also makes us very buoyant in the water as well.


  9. How are the reindeer so quiet when they land on rooftops so that they don't wake up the children when they land?

    Good question. Two things make this happen on Christmas Eve. First, when we land, it is a very soft landing, like floating down out of the sky like a feather. We practice this a lot. Second, there is a team of elves that got out ahead of us and prepare the landing area. They do a great job making sure the landing strip is sound proofed.


  10. What is it like being around the elves?

    Fun, fun, and more fun. The elves that live at the North Pole are the nicest and friendliest creatures you will ever meet. They do everything they can to make us reindeer feel welcome and comfortable.


  11. How did it feel going from a bullied reindeer to the lead reindeer.

    Well, vindicated. Bullying is not right whether you are a reindeer or a human and should never take place. Although, unfortunately it does. I do want to clear up, that I am not Santa's head reindeer. That is Dasher. My job is to lead the team when there are bad weather conditions. I take my flight orders from Dasher.


  12. What does it feel like when your antlers fall off?

    Well, actually, we do not loose our antlers anymore like regular reindeer. We used to before we started eating the magic lichen that makes us fly, but not anymore. When we did lose them, it would kind of feel like it does when your hair is pulled out. A little pinch at first, then it goes away. Oh, by-the-way, that magic lichen we eat... we don't age either.


  13. What is lichen?

    Lichen is a plant that has algae and fungus that grow together and is very, very tasty. The elves mix up a special recipe for us flying reindeer. We eat this right before take-off.


  14. What do you do after pulling the sleigh on Christmas Eve?

    After our run on Christmas Eve, we take a very long nap. Then training starts again for the next season.


  15. How did you handle being bullied by the other reindeer?

    It was very hard, and I was very sad. It wasn't until I talked about it with my mother that she made me realize that the others were doing it because they were uncertain something with themselves. The best thing I ever did was talk to my mom about the situation. I knew the bullying wouldn't last forever and I just tried to ignore it until it went away. I was strong and it did eventually go away and now I am very good friends with all of the other reindeer.


  16. How far can you hear?

    Hmmm. Don't really know to be honest. We have never really measured the distance. I would assume the same distance that you can. I can tell you this, we can see in the dark quite well. The color of our eyes change when it gets dark at the North Pole and stay that way until the sun comes out again.


  17. What is your favorite reindeer game?

    I really don't like reindeer games to be honest.


  18. Do you like candy?

    Absolutely! All reindeer love candy, especially candy canes. Although, some of us do not know when to stop eating it and we get "tummy" aches, so we have to watch how much we eat.


  19. Is it true that Donner and Blitzen's names were changed?

    Yes. Originally they were named, Dunder and Blixem.


  20. What is your favorite place to visit?

    Suan Juan, Puerto, Rico. The entire team has fun when to fly to this city it is a small island off the coast of Puerto, Rico and we have to circle around a few times in order to get the landing angle correct.


  21. Do you prefer flying at night or in the day?

    We all prefer to fly at night for a couple of reasons. First, it is easier for us to see farther at night and the view is spectacular when we lift up above the clouds and see the sky full of stars.


  22. Do you like your theme song?

    Absolutely! It tells my tale perfectly.


  23. Which reindeer do you get along with the best?

    I get along with Comet the best. He likes to pull practical jokes on all of the other reindeer... and sometimes I help out too.


  24. Are you able to help build any of the toys?

    No. It is hard for us to hold tools with hooves, but sometimes we get to test them out for durability.


  25. How well do you get along with Mrs. Claus?

    Quite well. Mrs. Claus if extremely kinds and she makes a point to stop and visit with all of us every day. She is also in charge of checking on our feed mixture so that we have just the right amount of all of the ingredients.


  26. What is your favorite holiday besides Christmas?

    Earth Day. Since I have experience flying all over the world, I really enjoy seeing people who are trying to conserve the planet to keep it beautiful.



Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer's Official Website Rudolph's Web Page
Connect to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's official website.
Rudolph Frequently Asked Questions Rudolph's FAQ Page
Questions asked to Rudolph from children all over the world.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's Biography Rudolph's Biography
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's Biography
Rudolph on 45 records RCA Victor Rudolph - RCA / Victor 45
The original narrated version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on 45 records
Original 1948 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Cartoon Original 1948 Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Cartoon
The original 8 minute cartoon produced by Montgomery Wards.
Gene Autry, Lyrics, and History of Song Gene Autry Singing, Lyrics, and History
See Gene Autry Singing and find out the history of the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer song.
Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer Full Movie Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Full Movie (1964)
The full 1964 stop motion film about Rudolph.

Rudolph's Frequently Asked Questions


Rudolph Game Rudolph
Online game

Online Resources

Sheet Music for Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Sheet Music for Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Connect to this site to purchase sheet music to Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Pintables and Handouts

Lyrics to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Lyrics to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Lyrics to the song "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"
Rudolph Visits Coloring Page Rudolph Visits Coloring Page
Coloring page showing one of Rudolf's visits to North Pole City.

Puzzles and Games

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Maze Rudolph Maze
Help Rudolph on his holiday journey
Rudolph's Word Jumble Rudolph Word Jumble
Try your skill at Rudolph's word jumble
Rudolph's Word Search Rudolph Word Search
Get a fresh cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this Rudolph word search.
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