North Pole City Council

North Pole City Map

North Pole City Map

After the creation of Santa's Village at the North Pole, North Pole City grew around the center of the Village with major roads leading out from city center to elf villages on the outer edges of the town. The snowflake configuration of the city was first designed by Santa when he laid out the initial design of the city. The initial map and layout was sketched by Santa on a scroll that is now archived in the city's historical library; however, the North Pole City Council had requested that an official survey be conducted and an official map be developed to aid in the reconstruction of some of the city's infrastructure. The map you see above was adopted as the "Official" North Pole City map by the North Pole City council on March 3, 2022.

Larger View of Map

Additional Descriptions

The following are some additional descriptions of places in and around North Pole City.

Street Names and Elf Villages

Street Name Elf Village
Lichen Lane Hinklemyer Village
Pine Tree Avenue Cumberbatch Village
Evergreen Lane Myerscough Village
Snowflake Street Twinklestein Village
Mistletoe Road Appleton Village
Silver Bell Circle Darlington Village
Tinsel Avenue Birkenhead Village
Holly Drive Winterboune Village
Snowball Run Road Livingstone Village
Noel Drive Yeardley Village
Gum Drop Way Leighton Village
Candy Cane Lane Scarbough Village

Mountain Ranges

Wide Mountains This mountain range is sparse and uninhabited by any type of creature.  It takes the brunt of most snow storms that hit the region and it is these mountains that Santa uses to navigate his way in and out of North Pole city when he is flying the sleigh.  With a unique wide mountain peak, the top of the mountains can be seen from several miles away.  When Santa is flying back into North Pole City, he heads for this “wide” mountain range and knows that it will bring him right in on his intended flight path.
Elf Mountains This mountain is where the elves from the area lived when Santa came to the region. He first met these elves and they guided him to the location where North Pole City resides today.  This was the original homestead of the Cumberbatch Elf Clan that later relocated to their village off of Pine Tree Avenue.  Some of the older members of the clan still reside up in these mountains.
Ancient Mountains The Ancient Mountains were claimed by the elf clans as a spiritual location and the mountain range where elf ancestors are buried.  Although rare, on occasion, elves do pass away, and this is where elves from all around the world are now buried.
Star Mountains The Star Mountains have a mountain range that is in the shape of a star when you fly over them.  This range was not named until Santa’s sleigh got the ability to fly and when he flew over this range, the name just hit him.   These mountains are rich with wildlife and plentiful with herbs used by the elves in all of their recipes and potions.
Dark Mountains The Dark Mountains are rich with coal, gold, and diamonds.  The Department of Elfland Security’s Mining division's main operations is within the Dark Mountains.
Reindeer Mountains The Reindeer Mountains were named since this is the mountain range where all of the caribou live.   All of Santa’s reindeer have relatives that live in these mountains and each year they come out and support the team.  Rudolf lives in this mountain range with his family and comes down to Santa’s Village during the holiday season or when he may be needed to help pull the sleigh.
Elu Mountains Elu is Native American for beautiful.  Santa learned this language when he spent a few weeks with a navitive American tribe on his way to the North Pole.  He named these mountains Elu due to the beautiful and peaceful nature of this mountain range.  Santa and Mrs. Claus have a campground up in the Elu mountains that they go to occasionally to get away for a weekend or a retreat with some of the elf clan elders or even some of the visiting Assembly of Legendary figures.  The Claus’ Campground has anything you would want or need in a mountain retreat.
Troll Mountains Trolls live here.  Unfortunately, trolls do not like elves--at all.  Sometimes these trolls sneak into North Pole City and have to be driven out of the city back into the mountains.
Mystical Mountains Santa named this mountain range the Mystical Mountains since this is where the “magical” herbs can be found.  Even the magic lichen used in the feed to make the reindeer fly is harvested in these mountains.   Santa is not sure where the magic originates, he just knows that it is there.  That is why he chose the word “Mystical”.

About the Council

North Pole City Council is not your normal, politically motivated city council. It is made up of 12 members, each one representing one of the Elf Clans. They are appointed for life and most of them (with the exception of 2) have been on the council since it was originally formed.

North Pole City Council

The City Council is separate from Santa's Village which is in the middle of the city. Power of the city was given to the council for the growth and well being of all North Pole City elves. Santa only sits on the council and casts a vote if there is a tie; however, he does attend most council meetings when they are called. Meetings only take place when they are needed for discussion and passages of city resolutiosn and ordinances.

North Pole City Map

Click the button below to view the ordinances and resultions that have been passed by the council since their website was established.

If you have something you would like to be reviewed by council, please use the "Contact Council" button below to submit the request through the website. Council will review the request the next time that they meet.

Theodore E. Bear - Protecting the Forests

WELF-NPC North Pole City Radio On-Air