North Pole City Council

Map and Plan Approved Unanimously

The North Pole City Council met on March 3, 2022 to review and discus the plans to replace all of North Pole City's Streets and Sidewalks. Several questions arose during the meeting that were related to the implementation of the project such as: "What will we do with all of the existing bricks?", "Are we going to make sure that operations at Santa's Village will not be interfered with?", and "Shouldn't we historically document some of these existing bricks since they were the original ones laid when North Pole City was built?"

The following are the outcomes of the resolutions presented to council.


Ordinance# Type Title/Description Yay Nay
20220303-03 New Letter From Santa Claus
BE IT RESOLVED that the council has received and acknowledges the letter from Santa Claus requesting that construction of the streets in Santa's Village will not begin until June 1 and is to be finished by the end of August as to not disrupt work flow within Santa's Village.
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20220303-06 New Update to Website
BE IT RESOLVED that the council gives the full power to the Department of Elfland Security's WWW/PR Division to make updates to the council's website as they see fit or when requested without the need of an official meeting and resolution.
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Ordinance# Type Title/Description Yay Nay
20220303-01 New North Pole City Map
BE IT RESOLVED that the council adopts the "Official Map" of North Pole City as presented on this day to council.
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20220303-02 New North Pole City Street and Sidewalk Replacement
BE IT RESOLVED that the council has approved the replacement of all city sidewalks and streets starting April 1, 2022 based on the construction and replacement plan presented to the council. This replacement will involve removing all bricks and installing the heating system (to keep sleet and snow off the bricks), then the installation of the new bricks.
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20220303-04 New Initial Brick Order
BE IT RESOLVED that the council has approved the initial order of 500,000,000,000 bricks for the replacement project. The brick factory has approval to manufacture more if needed.
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20220303-05 New Recycling of Older Bricks
BE IT RESOLVED that the council has ordered that all bricks that are to be removed from streets and sidewalks to be made available to any citizen that wishes to taken them, with the exception of 12. One brick from each main street is to be preserved and archived in the city historical library. All other bricks not claimed are to be recycled.
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About the Council

North Pole City Council is not your normal, politically motivated city council. It is made up of 12 members, each one representing one of the Elf Clans. They are appointed for life and most of them (with the exception of 2) have been on the council since it was originally formed.

North Pole City Council

The City Council is separate from Santa's Village which is in the middle of the city. Power of the city was given to the council for the growth and well being of all North Pole City elves. Santa only sits on the council and casts a vote if there is a tie; however, he does attend most council meetings when they are called. Meetings only take place when they are needed for discussion and passages of city resolutiosn and ordinances.

Map and Plan Approved Unanimously

Click the button below to view the ordinances and resultions that have been passed by the council since their website was established.

If you have something you would like to be reviewed by council, please use the "Contact Council" button below to submit the request through the website. Council will review the request the next time that they meet.

Office of Naughty or Nice List

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