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Reset Your Clocks Dinner

Reset Your Clocks Dinner

Every year in January, Father Time spends the month up at North Pole City and Santa’s Village. He stays at the North Pole City Hotel which was developed and designed for long term guests to stay within the city and do not stay at the Claus Mansion in Santa’s Village. The hotel is unique in which it has thousands of guest rooms for elves who stay in the center of town and work at Santa’s Village so that they do not have to go home in between shifts. Most of these elves live out on the outskirts of town and need someplace to stay when they are not on shift.

The top floors of the hotel are very large sweets that are used by VIP guests and visitors to North Pole City. This is where Father Time and the rest of the Legendary Figures stay when they come to town, and don’t like to interfere when Santa and Mrs. Claus are at work in the workshops or kitchen. Even though they don’t spend the night, the Legendary Figures are always welcomed at the Claus Mansion for lunch and dinner.

As part of his stay at the city, Father Time likes to host a dinner before he leaves in the large hotel ballroom to invite any of the elves that would like to come to have their time pieces reset to the accurate time. This event is called, “Father Time’s Reset Your Clocks Dinner,” and normally lasts about 3-4 hours depending on how many show up. A lot of the worker elves stop by to have their wrist watches reset, but others have been known to bring in larger more elaborate free standing grandfather clocks as well. It is amazing at the craftsmanship of some of these time pieces and Father Time enjoys spending time with everyone each year.

A large buffet is normally planned as well and when there is food, you can always find Santa around too. Santa will come and spend the evening with Father Time as each elf comes up and walks past them. Father time will raise his scythe as they walk by, and the time piece is magically set to the accurate time. In most causes there is not much change since these are very intricate time pieces that have been well crafted, but it is a great night for everyone who attends.

This year, a magical poster was developed by the Department of Elfland Security’s WWW/PR Division that actually had a clock rotating on it and the text would move occasionally. It may seem like to be no big deal with technology available today; however, this posters do not require any power source and are not displayed on any type of monitor system. These are actually made of paper. The posters were posted all over North Pole City and the event is expected to have a great turn out.

Father Time Reset Your Clocks Dinner


Father Time's Website Father Time's Website
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Father Time FAQ Page Father Time Frequently Asked Questions
Listing of questions and answers submitted that have been submitted to Father Time.
Father Time's Biography Father Time's Biography
Father Time's Biography
New Year's Trivia - Vol 1 New Year's Trivia - Vol 1
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Time Management Resources Time Management Resources
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Reset Your Clocks Dinner


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Father Time

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Pinterest Board

WELF-NPC North Pole City Radio On-Air