Welcome to the web page for Lucky the Leprechaun

Lucky's Worksheets and Downloads

Lucky's Worksheets and Downloads

Lucky has spent some time and put together some great downloadable resources for kids to spend some time with him personally and to have some fun.

When one of the Legendary Figures comes to the WWW/PR Division of the Department of Elfland Security to sit down with us to configure and create their webpage, one of the questions we ask during the initial interview process is if there was any type of worksheets or activities they would like to provide for kids to have some fun or maybe even learn a little bit about their character.

Lucky the Leprechaun wanted to have pages that were fun, so we decided he would have us create him the following to be posted to his webpage:

Lucky's Word Search - A simple challenge to find words associated with St. Patrick’s Day or Lucky the Leprechaun.

Lucky's Hidden Message - Are you able to solve Lucky’s hidden message.  This worksheet is similar to the word search; however, once you are finished finding the words, you will use the letters that are left over to determine Lucky’s hidden message.

Lucky's Word Jumble - A simple worksheet of jumbled words that you will have to use your skills to solve.

Lucky's Maze - Can you get Lucky to his pot of gold at the end of the maze?

Lucky's Coloring Page - A simple coloring page of Lucky the Leprechaun.

These pages and worksheets can be downloaded and printed off.  Copies can be made for classroom handouts and they can be used over and over again.  If you need to come back and print off new ones from the webpage, they will always be available and posted as FREE downloads.


lucky the Leprechaun Web Page Lucky the Leprechaun's Web Page
Connect to Lucky's main webpage.
Lucky the Leprechaun's FAQ Page Lucky's FAQ Page
Frequently Asked Questions for Lucky the Leprechaun
Lucky the Leprechaun's Biography Biography of Lucky The Leprechaun
View a summary of Lucky the Leprechaun's Biography.
St. Patrick's Day Trivia Vol. 1 St. Patrick's Day Trivia Vol. 1
Challenge yourself with the knowledge about St. Patrick's Day. How will you rank on our leaderboard.
The History of St. Patrick's Day The History of St. Patrick's Day
Learn about some of the true history about St. Patrick's Day and why it is a holiday.
Lucky's Gold Coin Collection Lucky's Gold Coin Collection
A collection of gold coins on Pinterest that Lucky refers to when he is counting his cold.

Lucky's Worksheets and Downloads

Worksheets and Downloads

Lucky the Leprechaun's Word Search Lucky's Word Search
Lucky the Leprechaun's Word Search FREE download worksheet.
Lucky's Hidden Message Worksheet Lucky's Hidden Message
Lucky's Hidden Message FREE worksheet download
Lucky's Word Jumble Lucky's Word Jumble
Lucky's Word Jumble - FREE - Worksheet download
Lucky's Maze Lucky's Maze
Lucky's Maze - FREE - Worksheet download
Lucky's Coloring Page Lucky's Coloring Page
Lucky's Coloring Page - FREE - Worksheet and download
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