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Include the Kid's in Planning the Menu

Include the Kid's in Planning the Menu

Mrs. Claus over heard one of the spotter elves talking about how their child is very good with the exception of having issues with them wanting to eat their dinner. Most people don't realize that Mrs. Claus is an expert on nutrition and the behavior of children, and mentioned to the little spotter elf that the parents should consider allowing the child to help plan out the menus and meals to see if this helps remedy the situation.

Most kids enjoy being a part of the decision as to what to make for dinner. Some might even want to help shop for the ingredients and even help prepare the meal. This gives ownership of the food selection to the child and will change their perception on wanting to eat the meal.

Parents can even make a game of it by purchasing different fruits, vegetables, and health meats to have a taste test one night, so that the child can experience how different "heathy" foods go together and how to arrange them as meals.

"I remember there was a little baby elf up there, only a few years old, and would simply refuse to eat," said Mrs. Claus. "Her mother came to me in tears, worried that whatever she would make, the child just refused to eat it. We tried everything, until we finally listened to what the little elf was saying. No, I want this, or no, I want that. So, I suggested that the mom (elf) consult with the child the following week as to what they should have for dinner. Surprisingly, this worked. Not only did the child start eating, but the entire family actually started eating healthier."

Ask them to help plan the meal

As you teach you kids how to put meals together, it is a great opportunity to teach (or reinforce) the importance of eating form the 5 major food groups.

Eating a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups provides a range of different nutrients to the body, promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease - as well as keeping your diet interesting with different flavors and textures.

By knowing this information, being able to put together meals, and have these skills, it will help them make important eating and health decisions in the future and for their future families as well.


Mrs. Claus Website Mrs. Claus' Website
Connect to Mrs. Claus' website.
Mrs. Claus Frequently Asked Questions Mrs. Claus Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a listing of Frequently Asked Questions for Mrs. Claus.
Mrs Claus Recipe Collection Mrs. Claus' Recipe Collection
Information about the massive collection of recipes that have be collected by Mrs. Claus.

Include the Kid's in Planning the Menu

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