Name: Peter Rabbit
Alias: The Easter Bunny
Birth Place: Easter Island, Valparaiso, Chile
Birth Date: Unknown
Current Address: Easter Island, Valparaiso, Chile
Marital Status: Single
Spouse Name: N/A
Officially Legendary: 1145 AD
Legendary Status: Active
DES Codename: Fur Ball
Official Signature:

This page is a summary of the official biography that is on file.
The Early Years
Prior to meeting Santa Claus, Peter Rabbit never left his bunny village. He spent most of his time playing with his friends and dreaming about making deliveries to children all over the world.
How The Easter Bunny Met Santa
Peter Rabbit met Santa when Santa visited his village for the first time after Peter wrote to Santa to let him know about the village.
How Peter Became Legendary (and the Easter Bunny)
On the night that Peter and Santa met, he began his training with Santa by helping him make deliveries to all of the little bunnies within his village on Christmas Eve. He then went up to the North Pole with Santa and learned the secrets needed to make deliveries to children all over the world. After his first delivery run by himself, Santa asked The Easter Bunny if he would like to join The Assembly of Legendary Figures.
Activities Today
During the first full moon after the Spring equinox, Peter Rabbit becomes The Easter Bunny and makes his delivery of Easter Baskets to children all over the world. He then spends a few weeks up at Santa's Village with Santa and Mrs. Claus (and all of the elves throughout North Pole City.) After his vacation, he returns back to the secret location of his factories and begins manufacturing candy and gifts for the next year. He does not spend all of his time at the factories. Every few weeks, he goes back and spends some time with his family where he lives on Easter Island.