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2021 Macy's Day Parade Debriefing Report

2021 Macy's Day Parade Debriefing Report

The following report is the “official” notes from the Debriefing meeting with Santa, Mrs. Claus, the Security Team, Representatives from the Stable, and Representatives from Flight Control.   We met in the conference room as soon as the Security Detail arrived back at the Pole.

Security Detail Report - Very little issues reported this year.   There was one issue as the sleigh turned onto 59th street across from Central Park.   A teenager was trying to launch a drone into the path of the parade right before Mr. and Mrs. Santa and the team moved in quickly to put a stop to the launch quickly and quietly.   The drone was confiscated; however, they did leave a card saying that Santa will be bringing them a new one this Christmas if the child agreed to follow all of the flight rules in the future.   All of the pre-meetings went well with the Macy’s liaison.  The security team loved the addition of the parade route and tracking system on the iPads this year.   Pre-parade security meeting has already been scheduled for next year.

Stable Update - Reindeer had a great work out.   All had a large appetite and are now resting up.  Vixen had a small cough before they left this morning and this now seems to be cleared up.   No injuries to report.  

Flight Control - The reports that were coming in from the sleigh bells (weather and flight data sensors) were working great.  They still believe it would be great to start getting reports from the area before the sleigh enters the sectors.   We will be meeting to discuss the possibility of having children submit condition reports to the department through the website in the future.

Mrs. Claus - Reported that she loved being at the parade, but was concerned about the baking schedule up here at the Pole the whole time.  The communicator was cutting out and she was not able to clearly communicate with the kitchen while being away from the sleigh.  The communicator has been taken to R&D to be reviewed and repaired.

Santa - He thought that all went well and he had no major issues at all to report this year.  He did want the flight team to take a look at the left front of the sleigh as it felt a little sluggish during take off.   Santa and Mrs. Claus was both excited to see so many people be able to come out again to enjoy the parade this year.


Watch the entire parade:

From the Desk of:
Edward Hinklemyer
Chief Elf
Department of Elfland Security

Department of Elfland Security

Office of Elf Affairs Resources

Golden Candy Cane Awards Golden Candy Cane Awards
Information about the Golden Candy Cane Awards and how to submit a candidate.
7 tips to Having Fun During the Work Day 7 Tips to Having Fun During the Work Day
The Office of Elf Affairs would like to provide some tips for elves to have some fun during a work day.


Department of Elfland Security Website Department Website
Department of Elfland Security Website
About the Department of Elfland Security About the Department
Detailed information about the department and our involvement with The Assembly of Legendary Figures.
Elf Workers Union Handbook Elf Workers Union Handbook
Get your own copy of the Elf Workers Union Handbook.
Department of Elfland Security Frequently Asked Questions Department Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked question to the Department of Elfland Security from children all over the world and workers at North Pole City.
Golden Candy Cane Awards Golden Candy Cane Awards
Information about the Golden Candy Cane Awards and how to submit a candidate.

2021 Macy's Day Parade Debriefing Report

The Department's Divisions

Office of Elf Affairs Office of Elf Affairs
The Office of Elf Affairs acts as a liaison between the elf workers union and the office of human resources.
Flight Command Division Flight Command Division
The Division of Flight Command is responsible for coordinating all of the flights to and from Santa’s Village at the North Pole.
Division of History and Research Division of History and Research
The Division of History and Research is responsible for researching and documenting the history of all of the legendary figures and the elf nation.
Forestry Division Forestry Division
The Division of Forestry is responsible for all agriculture at North Pole City.
Gift Wrap and Decoration Division Gift Wrap and Decoration Division
The division of Gift Wrap and Decoration is responsible for all designs and production of the gift wrap used at Santa's Village.
Office of Naughty or Nice List Office of Naughty or Nice List
This department is responsible compiling the naughty and nice database so that it is ready for Santa's second approval.
Post Office Post Office
As you can imagine, Santa's village receives millions of postal letters each day and the Post Office Division is the center of all of these communications.
Division of Research and Development Division of Research and Development
The Division of Research and Development is responsible for all of the technology advances at North Pole City and within Santa's Village.
Mrs. Claus Kitchen Mrs. Claus' Kitchen
This division is responsible for the serving food to all of the elf workings within Santa's Village.
Division of Tailor and Seamstress Division of Tailor and Seamstress
This division is responsible for designing and manufacturing the clothing for all of the elves at North Pole City and Santa\'s Village
Santa's Workshop Santa's Workshop
This division of Santa's Village is responsible for the creation and assembly of all of the gifts that Santa's delivers on Christmas Eve.
Security and Investigation Division Security and Investigation Division
The Security and Investigation Division also known as the Security Detail is responsible for all of the Security Detail is responsible for the guarded security of all of the members of the Assembly of Legendary Figures.
Santa's Reindeer Stables Santa's Reindeer Stables
Santa's Reindeer Stables elves are responsible for the care of Santa's reindeer and sleighs. They keep the team and fleet in top flying condition at all times.
Landing and Preparation Team Landing and Preparation Team
The Department of Elfland Security's Landing and Preparation Team is the group of elves that are deployed ahead of Santa Claus to make sure that all is well before Santa lands to make his deliveries or visit.
WWW / PR Office WWW/PR Office
The office responsible for website updates and public relations.

Child Safety

Child Safety Guide for Parents A Child Saftety Guide For Parents
Child safety is one of the most vital issues to consider during child rearing. This site is full of useful information for child safety.
McGruff Craime Dog McGruff.org
McGruff the Crime Dog and pal, Scruff, bring ideas about kids staying safe through safety puzzles, games, and coloring pages.
iKeepSafe.org iKeepSafe.org
Information about on-line child safety.

Department Resources

WorldOMeter WorldOMeter.info
Provides live statistics of vairous items all over the world.

Pinterest Boards

Elves Caught Elves Caught
A Pinterest Board showing "Scout" Elves Caught from around the world.
Elves at Work Elves at Work
A Pinterest Board of Elves at Work
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