An emergency meeting was called today since there were some resolutions had to be reviewed and renewed before the end of the fiscal year. Council was not supposed to meet until after the first of the year; however, it was discovered that some of the result ions were expiring. Although Santa is currently away on vacation, they also address some new issues since they were getting together and decided they would table issues if there was a tie in voting until Santa returned.
The following is the outcome of the emergency meeting:
Acknowlegement |
Ordinance# | Type | Title/Description | Yay | Nay |
20211230-09 | New | Chronis "Gingerbread" Scarbough
BE IT RESOLVED that the coucil recognizes Chronis "Gingerbread" Scarbough for his valiant efforts turn the 2021 take-off party. |
12 | 0 |
Commerce |
Ordinance# | Type | Title/Description | Yay | Nay |
20211230-07 | FAILED | Sale of Surplus Elf Clothing
BE IT RESOLVED that the council shall permit the sale of surplus elf clothing to the humans around the world to help elviate space to new designs for the upcoming year. Reason for Failure: All were in agreement that the sale of anything created in North Pole City for profit is a strict violation of elf culture and guidelines. Council asked to consider the donation of the items to charities or orphanzges. |
0 | 12 |
20211230-08 | New | Donation of Surplus Elf Clothing
BE IT RESOLVED that the donation of surplus elf clothing be donated to orphanges and charities for the 2021 season. |
12 | 0 |
Entertainment |
Ordinance# | Type | Title/Description | Yay | Nay |
20211230-05 | New | 2022 Snowball Games Schedule
BE IT RESOLVED that the council approves the 2022 Snowball Games Schedule as presented. |
12 | 0 |
Organizational |
Ordinance# | Type | Title/Description | Yay | Nay |
20211230-01 | Rewewal | Separation Between North Pole City and Santa's Village
BE IT RESOLVED that North Pole City shall be governed by a separate council that is independently operated from Santa's Village and Workshop. The council shall have the power to make decisions for the well being of all North Pole City Elves. The construction, maintenance, and infratructure of Santa's Village will be maintained by North Pole City Council. |
12 | 0 |
20211230-02 | Renewal | Council Organziation
BE IT RESOLVED that the North Pole City Council shall be made up of 12 members. One member from each of the Elf Clans residing within the world. They shall be appointed for life or until such time they chose to step down from council and retire. Each council representative shall have an equal vote on all resolutions with a tie breaking vote being award to Santa Claus or his designee. |
12 | 0 |
20211230-03 | Renewal | Meeting Times and Frequency
BE IT RESOLVED that meetings shall be called on an as-needed basis and not on a regularly scheduled time. |
11 | 1 |
20211230-04 | Renewal | Renewal of Ordinances
BE IT RESOLVED that council reserves the right to review and reissue ordances every 300 years with the acception of Acknowlegements. These resoultions are made forever. |
12 | 0 |
20211230-06 | New | New Council Website
BE IT RESOLVED that the council approves the new council website and agrees that it is maintained and updated by the WWW/PR Deparment that is part of the Department of Elfland Security. |
12 | 0 |
North Pole City Council is not your normal, politically motivated city council. It is made up of 12 members, each one representing one of the Elf Clans. They are appointed for life and most of them (with the exception of 2) have been on the council since it was originally formed.
The City Council is separate from Santa's Village which is in the middle of the city. Power of the city was given to the council for the growth and well being of all North Pole City elves. Santa only sits on the council and casts a vote if there is a tie; however, he does attend most council meetings when they are called. Meetings only take place when they are needed for discussion and passages of city resolutiosn and ordinances.
Click the button below to view the ordinances and resultions that have been passed by the council since their website was established.
If you have something you would like to be reviewed by council, please use the "Contact Council" button below to submit the request through the website. Council will review the request the next time that they meet.